திங்கள், 5 ஜனவரி, 2015

What is the Difference Between Vcc, Vdd,Vss,Vee?

What is the Difference Between Vcc, Vdd,Vss,Vee?

Common supply terms has been blurred by the interchangeable application of TTL and CMOS logic families
But, the Fact is ,
Vcc and Vee are the terms used for Transistors .
Vdd and Vss are the terms used for FET’s
And in terms of supply voltages :
Vcc and Vdd is for positive supply.
Vee and Vss is for negetive supply.
Apparently this terminology originated in some way from the terminals of each type (i.e., Vcc is often applied to BJT collectors, Vee to BJT emitters, Vdd to FET drains, and Vss to FET sources). This notation then carries across to integrated circuits — TTL ICs were originally based on BJT technology, and so often use the Vcc / Vee terminology;
CMOS ICs are based on FET technology, and so often use the Vdd / Vss terminology.

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