திங்கள், 5 ஜனவரி, 2015


VPP: programming/erase voltage.
VEE: negative supply; FET's source (S)
VSS: or power cathode
VCC: power supply voltage (bipolar devices); power supply voltage (74 series digital circuits); voice carrier (VoiceControlledCarrier)
VDD: power supply voltage (unipolar devices); power supply voltage (4000 series digital circuits); drain voltage (FET)
VDD, VSS, VCC and VEE, VPP difference
Version 2:
Usually VCC and VDD power supply is, and VEE and VSS to negative, or the power supply.
VSS indicates that the connection to the scene effects tube-source (S) of power.
VDD represents a connection to the scene effects tube drain (D) of the power supply.
VEE indicates that the connection to the transistor emitter (E) the supply.
VCC represents a connection to the transistor collector (C) of the power supply.
They are named like this:
VCC and VEE, VDD, VSS is a chip, the decomposition of the power circuit, detailed rally point power polarity depends on device material. VCC generally refers to the direct connection to the integrated or decomposition circuit internal transistor C, VEE is connected to the integrated or decomposition circuit internal transistor's E-pole. Similarly, VDD, VSS is connected to an integrated internal, decomposition circuit FET of D and S. For example is using P Groove E/DMOS process of integration, then it should pick VDD power of negative and positive power VSS should receive.
Version 1:
1, the presence of effects tube (or COMS devices), VDD, VSS for drain as source, VDD and VSS refers to the symbol pin and does not represent a supply voltage.
2. some IC with VDD pin and the VCC PIN to demonstrate this device itself with voltage conversion function.
3, for digital circuits, VCC power supply voltage of the circuit, VDD is chip voltage (typically Vcc > Vdd), VSS is received.
II. Description
VSS: S = series represents the public connection, usually refers to the common grounding Terminal voltage circuits.
VCC: C = meaning of microcircuit circuit, namely, the access circuit voltage VDD: D = device represents the devices meant that the device's internal operating voltage;

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