வெள்ளி, 31 அக்டோபர், 2014

25233 – C Programming (Board Examination Oct/Nov 2014) Polytechnic

Question Code: 586
Board Examination Oct/Nov 2014
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Subject: 25233 – C Programming                                                                       Year/Sem   : II & III
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 75

Part –A                                                                                                             (15 X 1 = 15)
1.     What is the program?
2.     What are the types of constants?
3.     Give the different data type qualifiers.
4.     Define type conversion.
5.     What is the use of break statement?
6.     What is an array?
7.     What are the functions used to read strings?
8.     Define strcat() function.
9.     Name any two functions present in conio.h header file.
10.  Define isupper() function.
11.  What is a return statement?
12.  Giver the general form of structure definition.
13.  What is a pointer?
14.  How a pointer variable is declared? Give the syntax.
15.  What are the types of memory allocation?
16.  Define calloc() function.
17.  Define file.
18.  Write the input functions used in file operations
19.  Write any two error situations.
20.  What is pre-processor?

Part-B                                                                                                               (5 X 12=60)
What are the features of a good programming language?

Explain the unformatted input and output statements with examples.

Explain how the variable is declared and initialized with an example.

Write an algorithm and flow chart to find whether a number is odd or even.

Explain while and do….while loop statements.

Explain the functions used to read and write strings.

Write a program to find whether the string is palindrome or not.

Explain the for statement with an example.

Explain the functions present in math.h header file.

Explain union with an example.

Explain (a) Call by value (b) call by reference.

Explain arrays within structures with an example.

Explain the arithmetic operations that can be performed with pointers with an example.

Write a program to find the length of the string using pointers.

Explain how pointers are used in function arguments with an example.

Explain malloc() and realloc() functions.

Explain the functions used to move the file pointers.

Write a program to reverse a string using command line arguments.

Explain compiler control directives.

Explain how to open and close a file in different modes with examples.


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