புதன், 30 செப்டம்பர், 2015




A man’s sperm count is defined as the concentration of sperm in an ejaculate. According to the nee WHO specifications, a count of over 15 million sperms per milliliter is considered normal.


The total sperm count is defined as the total number of sperms in a complete ejaculate. According to the WHO standards, 39 million sperms per ejaculate are considered a normal count.


The complete process of sperm formation and increase and decrease of the sperm count are inter-related and based on a lot of factors involved in the process. These causes could be very basic or complex. They are:


  1. Any abnormality in the testicles where sperms are produced can lead to low sperm count.
  2. Any abnormality in the functioning of glands related to sperm production, pituitary and hypothalamus may lead to low sperm count.
  3. Abnormal ducts that carry sperms and disorder of the penis


  1. Swelling in the veins of testicles
  2. Infections, especially the STD’s
  3. Ejaculatory problems
  4. Medications, especially antibiotics can kill sperms
  5. Undescended testes in the scrotum
  6. Imbalance in hormones
  7. Surgical procedures like chemotherapy
  8. Genetic defect in the chromosomes


  1. Chemicals from industries
  2. Radiation and X-ray exposure


  1. Drugs
  2. Alcohol abuse
  3. Cigarette smoking
  4. Weight issues
  5. Emotional factors


The low sperm count is itself a passive symptom that comes into notice after the inability of a couple to conceive a child. This is usually seen without any other noticeable sign or problem. The usually symptoms of low sperm count are:
  • Low sexual urge and desire
  • Swelling in the testicles
  • Inability to maintain an erection
  • Hormonal imbalance signs like less amount of facial and body hair growth.


Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that makes use of herbs existing in the nature and formulates herbal remedies using the inherent power present in these herbs. We in Ayurveda believe that herbal remedies bring to you the richness of the herbs in a natural, unadulterated form. These combinations help improve immunity and provide strength, endurance and will.
Ayurveda uses the inherent power of natural herbs to bring about wonderful results on the human body. The herbs are natural and 100% safe. Ayurveda helps to naturally enhance the body functioning in an herbal way. The herbs for low sperm count help improve the sperm count by improving and increasing the sperm production and sperm number. It helps improve stamina and endurance in a healthy natural way. The male vigor and strength is increased by the usage of Ayurvedic herbs for low sperm count.



Tribulus is a wonderful herb for strength and stamina. It helps improve the immunity which enhances the self esteem and self confidence in men. Tribulus herb for prostate health and power helps improve erectile dysfunction. It increases sperm count as well as sperm quality as it is rich in antioxidants so it works as a supplement. It has anti aging and strength giving properties. The herb increases male fertility naturally. It increases libido in men and reduces lack of desire for sex. The Tribulus power pack, Male support pack, and Bed Hercules pack have Tribulus herb.


The Ayurvedic herb Shilajit has been popular since ages for its wonderful effects on the male libido. Ancient physicians used it for improving vigor and stamina. The herb helps in improving physical and mental stresses. Modern physicians have tested its application in cases of low libido, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and many sexually related disorders. The fertility rates and sperm counts increase multi-fold with the usage of Shilajit. Ayurvedic physicians recommend Shilajit herb for improving stamina and energy levels in males thereby helping them feel more powerful and efficient when working out. Our product Shilajit capsules and Male support pack capsules contain Shilajit herb in them.


The ancient Ayurvedic herb Ashwagandha is a multiple benefit herb. It was beneficial effects over the complete human body in a natural way. Ashwagandha helps in cases impotency, stress, constipation, rheumatism and many more chronic ailments. A look at these disorders tells us that they are all related to our life style. The increase in stress and manifold decrease in a healthy diet and lifestyle leads to stress induced disorders including many neurological disorders. People usually complain of stress, fatigue, memory and bodily weakness. Most of us face issues of low stamina and endurance power.
Ashwagandha herb plays a vital role in such cases. It is a great antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to promote overall well-being of the body and nourishes it with strength and immunity. Apart from these, the herbal product has potential powers to nourish the brain to make the functioning of the brain quicker and sharper. It has dynamic results on the male sexual system as it facilitates quicker and longer lasting erections. Ashwagandha herb is an indispensable part of many of our formulations owing to its benefits. You will find it in ASHWAGANDHA capsules, ATIRASADI CHURNA, and MALE SUPPORT CAPSULES. One can chose as per his/her needs.

Causes of low sperm count

Causes of low sperm count

low sperm count causes, Low sperm count, reduced sperm motility and malformed sperms are main causes for male infertility. There are various biological and environmental factors which affect sperm count, motility andmorphology. Many of these factors have been mentioned in ayurvedic texts. The causes of low sperm count are briefly explained below.
Age :
Innumerable researches have been conducted to determine the effect of ageing process on male fertility. A decrease in male fertility has been noted as age progresses. Maintenance of good health by following healthy lifestyle and diet retards ageing process. The rate of fertilization starts falling down for men who are above 40.
Hence “ Vajikarana Therapy” is recommended in ayurveda for men who are above 20 and below 70 to maintain optimum sexual activity and number of healthy sperms. Vajikarana Therapy recommends herbal preparations which are aphrodisiac in nature. Vajikarana therapy increases sperm count, sperm motility and quantity of semen. This therapy is helpful in erectile dysfunction.
Overheating of testicles:

Overheating of testicles due to high fever, hot water bath, saunas, tight pants or under garments can cause low sperm count. The Testes (two egg-shaped structures) remain in the Scrotum, outside the body, where the temperature is about 3 degrees C, cooler than the body internal temperature (27 degrees C. Sperm development in the Testes Requires the Lower Temperature.). Hence any factor which increases the temperature of testicles causes low sperm count.

According to Sushrutacharya Testicles are made of Kapha and Medha (fat). Increased heat imbalances kapha and medha , thus affecting sperm production.

Cocaine and Marijuana reduce sperm motility and sperm count by as much as 50%. Smoking reduces sperm count, sperm motility and also causes genetic changes. Smoking causes low sex drive, erectiledysfunction or impotence. Alcohol can damage sperms. Hence alcohol intake should be reduced to increase fertility.

Diet and Life Styles:

Stress at work place or in family, strained relationship, lubricants or spermicides used in condoms and physical stress can temporarily cause low sperm count. Malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies cause low sperm count. Deficiency of Vitamin C, Zinc, selenium etc can reduce sperm count. Bicycling can cause low sperm count, as testicles and scrotum may get injured during riding. Some studies have revealed that obesity may be a cause for low sperm count.
Genetic factors :

Malformed organs or tissues in male reproductive system.
Obstruction of semen carrying tubes.
Persons with 1 extra X chromosome (Normal chromosome in man is 1 X and 1 Y chromosome)

Environmental factors :

Overexposure to toxins, chemicals and infections. Pesticides, hydrocarbons and mumps in adult hood can cause low sperm count. Chronic exposure to heavy metals like lead, arsenic or cadmium can cause low sperm count. Radiations and X-rays affect sperm producing cells.

Varicocele :

Vericose vein in the cord of the testicle can cause low sperm count.

Acharya Charaka in his ayurvedic text, mentions the following factors as causes for low quality of semen.

Jaraayaa Chintaaya shukram vyadhibhihi karmakarshanaat |
Kshayam gacchatyanashanaat sthreenaam chaatinishevanaath ||
  • Old age
  • Worry
  • Diseases
  • Exertion
  • Fasting
  • Over indulgence in sexual act
  • Grief
  • Strained relationship.

How To Increase Sperm Count Safely and Naturally

How To Increase Sperm Count Safely and Naturally

how to increase sperm countMale infertility is as rampant as female infertility. Even though you may keep hearing that women don’t eat well and therefore are unable to conceive normally, the fact is that male fertility plays a great role in the child bearing problems of the modern times too. Today, with the kind of lifestyle we have, sperm count in men could keep falling without their knowledge. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent this decrease in sperm count or increase a low sperm count. But before you can try any of those tips, it is important to understand the various infertility and sperm count issues. Separating the myths from the facts can actually help you make an educated and informed decision.


Infertility Myths

Here are some of the most commonly circulating infertility myths:
  • If a woman is not able to conceive a child, it is her fault and the infertility is to be blamed on her: Male infertility is almost as rampant as female infertility. Though women are often blamed for not being able to conceive, the fact is that it could well be a fertility issue with the male partner.
  • Sperm count is the only thing that affects male fertility. A high sperm count should mean that the man can successfully impregnate a woman: While sperm count is an important indicator of fertility, there are other aspects of the semen and sperm which are also important. Motility, for instance, is also an important indicator of fertility.
  • Male infertility cannot be treated: Unless there is a physiological problem, which prevents the production of sperms or causes the formation of anomalous sperms, sperm count can be successfully increased through several simple measures.

Is Your Sperm Count Just a Number Game?

Male fertility is almost as complex as female fertility. It is a common misbelief that sperm health is only dependent on its number. However, the anatomy of the sperm is also an important determinant of its health and its ability to fertilize a female egg. The sperm count is nothing but a concentration of sperm per ml of semen. The normal sperm count ranges from 20 million sperm per ml – in a semen volume of at least 2 ml. Since semen does contain such large number of sperms, you may well imagine the numbers it would require to healthily impregnate a female.
Sometimes, a man with a health sperm count may still not be able to impregnate his partner. This is because every sperm has to make a long and tedious journey to a woman’s cervix, and through there it has to reach into the fallopian tubes where a female egg is waiting to be fertilized. Typically, in each ovulation, one egg is released. So almost 50% of the sperms are rendered ineffective because they would wind up in the wrong fallopian tube. Some sperms would die before reaching the fallopian tube and if the sperm motility (their ability to travel through the female body) is low, they will never be able to reach the egg in time and fertilization would never occur.
Additionally, the sperm is able to survive for a limited amount of time. So if the sperm and the egg do not meet in a given period, fertilization may not occur. Therefore, it is not only the sperm count but many other things that may cause male infertility.

What Does Low Sperm Count Mean?

Low sperm count is often considered synonymous with male infertility. However, this is not true. Just because a man’s sperm count is low, it does not mean that he is not fertile. Simply put, a low sperm count could mean any of the following:
  • There are less chances of conceiving without medical intervention
  • It may take the couple longer to conceive a baby
  • Intercourse may have to be timed according to ovulation prediction
  • Dietary, lifestyle and health changes may be required to conceive normally.

How to Increase Sperm Count?

All men can achieve a higher sperm count and improve their fertility health. There are simple ways to do that. Here’s what you can do:
  • To improve sperms and increase sperm motility, you should first concentrate on maintaining good health. For that, try to refrain from any kind of drug use. Quit drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco or consume them only in moderation.
  • Eat a healthy diet which is high in protein and low in fats. Consume as much of organic food as possible because this kind of food is low in chemicals and fertilizers.
  • Exercise regularly and de-stress yourself. Yoga and medication are both very effective for improving overall health and sperm count.
  • Regulate the frequency of sex and ensure that you increase your frequency around the time of ovulation. Sperm count is also usually the highest in the mornings, so increase the frequency of coitus from morning to afternoons.
  • Heat can further lower your sperm count and deteriorate their health. So try and avoid wearing tight underwear and lingering in hot baths for long. Also avoid using the laptop by placing it on your lap.
  • Consider using sperm count improving supplements.

Dietary Supplements for Sperm Count

Herbal supplements can be beneficial for those who have low sperm counts. Apart from making these simple diet and lifestyle changes, consuming these supplements regularly can also help improve overall sperm health. These supplements do not contain any chemicals and are completely natural. Apart from that, they also improve overall viscosity of semen and sperm health. These supplements are specifically designed to increase sperm count as well as other key parameters like motility.
These herbal formulations usually contain antioxidants, proteins and other important naturally occurring minerals which can promote sperm concentration and motility. The Sperm Count Increase package designed by Ayurvedic Experts is one such package which can successfully help those who are afflicted with low sperm counts, sub-optimal motility and other sperm and semen parameters. They also help with difficult conditions such as azoospermia where the man has no measurable quantities of sperm in the semen.
This package should be used for 3 months. Consuming this regularly can help increase all of the sperm’s health indicators naturally. They remove damaging free radicals from the body, improve overall metabolic processes and synthesis of proteins. Additionally, the carefully chosen natural ingredients of this package can also improve overall physical as well as sperm health. Since all these ingredients are completely natural, you are treated without any side effects in a completely healthy and natural manner.



Posted on  by Dr. Shweta Labde
Infertility in general can be classified as :
1) Male Infertility
2) Female Infertility.
1) Male Infertility :
The following points need to considered while studying Male Infertility :
  • Volume of semen.
  •  Sperm count – oligospermia, azoospermia, necrospermia.
  • Motility of sperm.
  • Structural defects of sperms – Due to vitiated vata dosha.
  • Any obstruction in genital tract.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
 Causes of Male Infertility :

Ayurveda explains following causes for male infertility :
  • Ativyavayat – Over indulgence in sexual activity.
  • Vyayamat – Over exertion, it may include any kind of physical exertion or strenuous mental efforts.
  • Avyayamat – Over relaxation, laziness or spending very leisure life.
  • Asatmyanam cha sevanat – Eating over spicy, salted, sour, frozen foods, foods with low nutrition and lack of hygiene; also behavioural habits like sleeping very late at night, hectic lifestyle leads to disparity of Rakta and Pitta Dosha, ultimately causing Shukra kshaya i.e. deficit in Shukra Dhatu qualitatively and quantitatively.
  • Akale – It means at inappropriate time; i.e. before desirable age specifically before age of 16 in females and 18 in that of males, or beyond the age of 65-70 where the body faces generalised debility. Another aspect explains having intercourse very frequently and many times (5-6 times) in a day also leads to debility of Shukra dhatu.
  • Ayonau – Indulging into sex in other than natural ways, i.e. Masturbation, oral or anal sex etc.
  • Maithunam Na Cha Gachataha – Suppression of sexual urge.
  • Narinam Arasaudnyata – Having intercourse with undesirable partner.
The other essential causes are fear, stress, sorrow, tight clothing, working in hot environment for long duration. Smoking and alcohol consumption significantly affect virility in males.
Trauma to the genital organs, generalised debility, muscle weakness and stress can result in erectile dysfunction.
Suppression of sexual urge, infection in reproductive tract, or any kind of stricture can cause an obstructive pathology.
Treating Male Infertility :
Overcoming male infertility requires some basic modulation in lifestyle and food habits.
The treatment includes Shodhan chikitsa i.e. cleansing therapy depending upon dominancy of derranged doshas. Vaman in Kapha dushti, Virechan in Pitta dushti and Basti in case of Vata dushti.

Panchakarma therapies like Abhyanga (whole body massage), Shirodhara, Nasya endows great deal of physical and mental relaxation.
Regular exercise and yoga promotes added assistance. One should practice pelvic floor exercises, padmasan, mool bandha to strengthen and optimize the functionality of the desired organs.
Treating obstructions or infections if any, with medicines like Gokshur, Guduchi, Triphala, etc. Also Uttar Basti treatment  serves beneficial in cases of obstructive pathologies, it as well strengthens the muscles of urinary tract and reproductive system.
Rejuvenation and Aphrodisiac treatment plays an important role;Rejuvenation therapy revitalizes the body and reinforces it internally and externally thus enhances body endurance and also assists in creating healthier sperms. Medicines like Chyawanprash, Musali paak, Rasayan vati, Kandarpa paak, Kushmand avleha, etc serves the purpose. A combination of milk + ghee + honey + cold water in specific proportion depending upon one’s body constitution along with other medicines like yastimadhu, shatavari, amla, etc. serves as a good rasayan.
Aphrodisiac Therapies are of 3 types :
  1. Sperm generating or enhancing sperm count.
  2. Those which helps in ejaculation of seminal fluid.
  3. Medicines which serve both the above purpose.
Medicines like Shatavari, Nagbala, Bala, Musali, Ashwagandha, Milk, Ghee, Haritaki, Amla, Yastimadhu, Pippali, Shatavari kalpa plays an essential role in improving count of efficient sperms.
Kapikacchu, Vidari, Gokshur, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Bruhati phala, medicinal preparations like Vrushya vati, Shilajatu, Vanari kalpa cures problems related to Semen ejaculation.
Gokshur, Ashwagandha, Musali, Kapikacchu, Pippali, Milk, Ghee, Fruits and fruit juices; and the most important aspect – pleasant relaxed state of mind is the key ingredient to treat infertility. Vrushya vati  not only increases sperm count qualitatively and quantitatively, but also improves vigor, it also takes care of problems like impotency, loss of libido.
All the above mentioned medicines can be used in powder form, or for superior results they should be used in the form of medicated milk or ghee, Because oleation and revitalization of cells is an integral part of the treatment.
Necessary Diet Modifications :
  • Fresh, organic fruits, fruit juices and vegetables.
  •  Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, black currants, dates, figs, apricots, and raisins.
  • Milk , milk-date shake, milk-mango shake can also be cherished.
  • Dairy products like cream, lassi, butter; especially intake of Milk and Ghee should be increased. They can be taken plainly, or in medicated form.
  • Non-vegetarians can include preparations of eggs, meat (Goat meat), rooster. Soups increases appetite and also provides desired nutrition.
  • Rice pudding or vermicelle pudding, sweet preparation of suji in ghee is also beneficial.
  • Spices such as ajwain powder, cumin, turmeric cleanses the genitourinary tract.
  • Include coconut and coconut milk in your diet.
A big “NO” to Smoking and Alcohol consumption is must.
You should always attend the natural urges.
There are still many medicines depending upon an individual body constitution, all the above recommended medicines should be taken under consultation of Ayurvedic physician.

Oligospermia refers to semen with a low concentration of sperm and is a common finding in male infertility. Often semen with a decreased sperm concentration may also show significant abnormalities in sperm morphology and motility.
Oligospermia is defined as less number of sperm in the ejaculate of the male. Among infertile couples, 40% are primarily due to the infertility of the male partner, while in 20% of these cases it is a combination of both male and female factors associated which lead to infertility. Out of several causes of male infertility, in clinical practice Oligospermia is considered one of the most prevalent causes.
Since Oligospermia tends to have no effect on sexual function, men may not know they have this unless they are having trouble conceiving with a partner.
The diagnosis of Oligospermia is based on one low count in a semen analysis performed at on two occasions. For many decades, sperm concentration of less than 20 million sperm/ml were considered low or Oligospermic, recently, however, the WHO reassessed sperm criteria and established a lower reference point, less than 15 million sperm/ml, consistent with the 5th percentile for fertile men. Sperm concentrations fluctuate and Oligospermia may be temporary or permanent.
Oligospermia is one of the main causes of male infertility or sub-fertility. Sub-fertility is a reduced ability to achieve a pregnancy while infertility is defined as the complete inability to produce a pregnancy after about one year of unprotected sexual activity.
Semen deficiencies are often labeled as follows:
  • Oligospermia or Oligozoospermia – decreased number of spermatozoa in semen
  • Aspermia – complete lack of semen
  • Hypospermia – reduced seminal volume
  • Azoospermia – absence of sperm cells in semen
  • Teratospermia – increase in sperm with abnormal morphology
  • Asthenozoospermia – reduced sperm motility
There are various combinations of these as well, e.g. Teratoasthenozoospermia, which is reduced sperm morphology and motility. Although low sperm counts are often associated with decreased sperm motility and increased abnormal morphology and thus represent “Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia”.
Oligospermia can be the result of many factors, some are permanent and some are reversible. Causes of Oligospermia include an obstruction of the normal flow of sperm due to such conditions as testicular trauma and vasectomy. Oligospermia may also result from scarring due to surgery on the male reproductive system or from infection and sexually transmitted diseases.
A decrease in sperm production is another cause of Oligospermia. This can be due to such conditions as varicoceles (Varicoceles are found in 15% to 20% of all men and in 25% to 40% of infertile men), hormonal disorders, diseases of the testicles, and obesity. Other causes of Oligospermia include stress, smoking, drug or alcohol use, some medications, exposure to some toxins or chemicals or radiation, congenital testicular abnormalities, age (fertilization rates decrease among men over 40 years of age), malnutrition, overheating (hot tubs, fever etc.), tight briefs, being underweight and general health and wellness issues. Even frequent biking can impact sperm production. Some sexually transmitted disease, such as Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea can also result in Oligospermia.

Ayurveda management

Ayurveda, the science of life, prevention and longevity, is the oldest and most holistic and comprehensive medical system available. It uses the inherent principles of nature to help maintain health in a person by keeping the individual’s body, mind, and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature.
As per Ayurveda, Oligospermia can be correlated with ‘Shukra kshaya”. Even though none of the standard Ayurvedic texts have mentioned about the count of Sperm or Motility of sperm but clearly mentions the quality of semen in the form of ‘Shuddha shukra Lakshana’.
In Ayurveda, healthy semen which is more fertile is described as
“shukram shuklam guru snigdham madhuram bahalam bahu|
ghritamaakshikatailabham sadgarbhaya ||”
This means the semen which is white, heavy, sticky, sweet in taste, more in quantity and which may look like the color of ghee or honey or oil is always fertile.
At CHARAKA, we provide a very effective, holistic and wide range of treatment modalities for curing Oligospermia. Hundreds of formulations, herbs and recipes, variety of Panchakarma and rejuvenation therapies are advocated to achieve the above said qualities of semen.
Ayurveda has advocated a separate branch which deals with the management of defective semen and spermatogenesis along with sexual potencification, is called as Vajikarana tantra (Aphrodisiac medicine). Vajikarana Therapy is recommended in Ayurveda for men who are above 16 and below 70 to maintain optimum sexual activity and healthy semen.
The treatment of Oligospermia comprises of administration of rasayanas and vajikara dravyas or medicines (virilificatory or aphrodisiacs) internally, Panchakarma & Vajikarana therapies for detoxification and rejuvenation along with diet and lifestyle modifications, will not only help in better conception but also in producing healthy offspring.

10 Things You Need To Know Before You Test Your Sperm Count

10 Things You Need To Know Before You Test Your Sperm Count

Last weekend Boots the chemist began selling the SpermCheck Male Fertility Test (29.99). It's a home testing kit which allows men to test whether they have the a low or normal sperm count. The kit is as accurate as a lab test at identifying low or normal sperm count and it gives you clear results in the privacy of your own home in just 10 minutes. Before you try it, there's a few things you need to know...
1. The minimum sperm count required to get your partner pregnant is 20 million+ sperm per milliliter.
2. It takes 10 to 11 weeks for sperm to be produced, so making lifestyle changes now and testing your sperm in three months time will optimize your result.
3. Daily ejaculation encourages the production of newer healthier sperm and leads to a 12% drop in sperm DNA damage.
4. Male sperm counts decline with age. It takes a man over 45, five times longer to get his partner pregnant. Even older men who have very young wives (<25 years of age) take four times longer to impregnate their partners.
5. Research from Harvard School of Public Health confirms that eating certain vegetables and salads can improve sperm motility and sperm quality. Men who ate higher levels of beta-carotene, which is found in carrots, lettuce and spinach, and lutein, which is found in lettuce and spinach, had a 6.5% increase in sperm motility. Those who consumed higher levels of lycopene, which is found in tomatoes, had 1.7% improved sperm quality.
6. Research by Professor Jill Attaman from Harvard Medical School in Boston has linked a diet that is high in saturated fat to reduced sperm counts. In contrast, men who consumed more omega-3 fatty acids were found to have sperm with a more normal structure. Sardines, salmon, flax seeds and walnuts are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids and you might also want to add in an oral antioxidant such as vitamin E, L-carnitine, zinc or magnesium.
7. A meta analysis of existing research on male fertility found that couples were more likely to have a pregnancy, or live birth, if the man took certain vitamins or other antioxidants. Sperm count can be improved by a combination of zinc and folic acid. Low levels of vitamin C have been implicated in an abnormal sperm count.
8. Dehydration can also lead to reduced semen production. Semen is the watery fluid that protects and nourishes sperm cells and transports them during ejaculation. If there is not enough fluid, conception is less likely.
9. Keep cool. The testicles hang down from the body is so that they can maintain the cooler temperatures that are required for sperm production. Because it is not advisable to allow the testes to heat up by more than 1°C, long baths or Jacuzzis are not a good idea.
10. Nor is it a good idea to work with a laptop on your knee because the heat from the computer has been shown to increase scrotal temperature by 2.6°C within fifteen minutes. Rates of infertility among chefs are twice the UK average because of exposure to to intense heat and radiation from ovens.

SpermCheck கருவுற்றல் வழிமுறைகள்

SpermCheck கருவுற்றல் வழிமுறைகள்

பயன்பாட்டிற்காகவும் அறிகுறிகள்

SpermCheck கருவுற்றல் விந்து விந்து செறிவு கண்டறிய வீட்டில் பயன்படுத்தி ஒரு விரைவான சோதனை. இந்த எளிய சோதனை விரைவில் உங்கள் விந்து எண்ணிக்கை சாதாரண வரம்பில் கருதப்படுகிறது என்பது எங்களுக்கு தெரியும் தெரிவிக்கும்.
SpermCheck கருவுற்றல் நீங்கள் ஒரு நேர்மறை அல்லது எதிர்மறையான விளைவாக கொடுக்க வேண்டும் என்று ஒரு விரைவான திரையிடல் சோதனை. படித்து சோதனை முடிவு எவ்வாறு விளக்குவது ஒரு விளக்கம் "முடிவுகள் எவ்வாறு விளக்குவது" பகுதி கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. என்ன உங்கள் சோதனையின் முடிவு, அதை நீங்கள் முழுமையாக உங்கள் சோதனை உங்கள் மருத்துவர் ஆலோசனை இல்லையா என்பதை தீர்மானிக்கும் முன் என்ன அர்த்தம் புரிந்து முக்கியம்.மட்டுமே வழங்கப்படும் வழிமுறைகளை ஏற்ப பயன்படுத்தவும்.

இந்த சோதனை பற்றிய முக்கிய தகவல்கள்

  • இன் விட்ரோ கண்டறியும் பயன்படுத்த
  • உள்நாட்டில் எடுத்து கொள்ள வேண்டாம்
  • ஒரு உலர்ந்த இடத்தில் கடை இடையே 36ºF - 86ºF (2ºC - 30ºC). உறைய இல்லை. சூரிய ஒளி இருந்து பாதுகாக்க.
  • சோதனை துவங்குவதற்கு முன், கவனமாக மற்றும் முற்றிலும் வழிமுறைகளை வாசிக்க.
  • தொகுப்பு அச்சிடப்பட்ட காலாவதி தேதிக்குப் பின்னர் பயன்படுத்த வேண்டாம்.
  • குழந்தைகள் அடைய அவுட் வைத்து.
  • பிறப்பு கட்டுப்பாடு ஒரு முறை இந்த சோதனை பயன்படுத்த வேண்டாம்.
  • இந்த சோதனை பால்வினை நோய்களுக்கு எதிராக பாதுகாக்க முடியாது.
  • இந்த சோதனை தந்தைமை நிரூபிக்க பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது.
  • ஏழை பார்வை மற்றும் / அல்லது முறையற்ற லைட்டிங் முடிவு விளக்கம் பாதிக்கலாம்.
  • இந்த சோதனை ஒரு மட்டுமே பயன்படுத்த கருதப்படுகிறது. மீண்டும் பயன்படுத்த வேண்டாம்.
  • இந்த சோதனை மட்டுமே விந்து செறிவு மதிப்பிடுகிறது. இது அனைத்து வளத்தை பிரச்சினைகள் கண்டறிய

சிதம்பரம் மற்றும் உபயோகம்

துல்லியமான முடிவுகளை, நீங்கள் ஒவ்வொரு அடியிலும் வழிமுறைகளை பின்பற்ற வேண்டும்.
  1. படித்து முழு அறிவுறுத்தல் துண்டுப்பிரசுரம் புரிந்து கொள்ள.
  2. கிட் உள்ளடக்கங்களை பாருங்கள்.
  3. உங்கள் கடந்த விந்து பின்னர் 2 மற்றும் 7 நாட்கள் இடையே ஒரு விந்து மாதிரி சேகரிக்க.
  4. சோதனை செய்யவும்.
  5. விளைவாக படிக்க.
  6. நீங்கள் உங்கள் சோதனை விளைவாக அர்த்தத்தை புரிந்து என்று உறுதியாக தெரியவில்லை என்றால் 877-998-0992 உங்கள் மருத்துவர் அல்லது வாடிக்கையாளர் சேவை அழைப்பு.

கிட் பொருளடக்கம்

நீங்கள் முடிவு சாளரத்தில் (டி நிலையில்) ஒரு சோதனை வரி பார்க்க வேண்டாம் என்றால், உங்கள் விந்து எண்ணிக்கை மில்லிலிட்டர் 20 க்கும் குறைவான மில்லியன் ஆகும். எனினும், ஒரு எதிர்மறை SpermCheck கருவுறுதல் சோதனை விளைவாக தனியாக மலடி என்று நிரூபிக்க முடியாது. வளமான ஆண்கள் சுமார் 10% மில்லிலிட்டர் ஒன்றுக்கு 20 மில்லியன் கீழே விந்து எண்ணிக்கை, அதனால் நீங்கள் இன்னும் ஒரு குழந்தை இயற்கையாகவே தந்தை முடியும். எனினும், நீங்கள் உங்கள் பங்குதாரர் வெற்றி இல்லாமல் ஒரு குடும்பத்தை துவக்க முயற்சி குறிப்பாக, ஒரு முழுமையான விந்து பகுப்பாய்வு மற்றும் துணை வளத்தை சாத்தியமான சிகிச்சைகள் பற்றி ஒரு மருத்துவர் பேச வேண்டும்.
இந்த வழிமுறைகளை கூடுதலாக, உங்கள் SpermCheck கருவுற்றல் கிட் பின்வரும் பொருட்களை ஒவ்வொரு ஒரு கொண்டிருக்கிறது:
  • (ஒரு சீல் பை) SpermCheck® சாதன
  • (ஒரு மூடப்பட்ட பை) விந்து மாற்றம் சாதன
  • விந்து சேகரிக்கும் கோப்பை
  • SpermCheck® தீர்வு பாட்டில்
கிட் எந்த பகுதிகளில் காணவில்லை அல்லது சேதம் இருந்தால், கொள்முதல் அல்லது வாடிக்கையாளர் சேவை திங்கள் இடத்திற்கு கிட் திரும்ப செய்யவும் - வெள்ளிக்கிழமை, 8:00 EST இரவு 8.00 க்கு 877-998-0992 மணிக்கு.

பொருட்களை தேவை, ஆனால் கொடுக்கப்படவில்லை

  • டைமர் அல்லது பார்க்கும்

பொருள் எச்சரிக்கைகள் மற்றும் முன்னெச்சரிக்கைகள்

இயக்கிய பயன்படுத்தப்படும் போது அனைத்து கிட் கூறுகளை அல்லாத நச்சு மற்றும் பாதுகாப்பாக உள்ளன. SpermCheck தீர்வு எரிச்சல் என்றால் அது தொடர்புகளை கண்கள் ஏற்படுத்தலாம். கண்கள் தொடர்பு ஏற்படுகிறது என்றால், முற்றிலும் தண்ணீர் கண்கள் பறிப்பு. பயன்பாட்டிற்கு பிறகு சாதாரண வீட்டு கழிவு உள்ள கிட் கூறுகளின் அகற்றுவதில்.

உங்கள் விந்து மாதிரி சேகரிக்க எப்படி

உங்கள் கடந்த விந்துதள்ளல் பிறகு குறைந்தது 48 மணி நேரம், ஆனால் இன்னும் ஏழு நாட்கள் விட காத்திருக்க.Manualstimulation (சுயஇன்பம்) மூலம் உங்கள் விந்து மாதிரி பெறுதல். வழங்கப்படும் விந்தணு சேகரிப்பு கோப்பை மாதிரி சேகரிக்க.
  • விந்து எந்த பகுதியை இழக்காமல் விந்தணு சேகரிப்பு கோப்பை நேரடியாக நிற்கவோ. சோதனை விளைவாக இடையூறு இந்த இருந்து எந்த லூப்ரிகண்டுகள் அல்லது திரவ மருந்துகளை பயன்படுத்த வேண்டாம். மாதிரி சேகரிக்க ஒரு ஆணுறை பயன்படுத்த வேண்டாம். இது முழு கத்து சேகரிக்க முக்கியம். நீங்கள் விந்து சில இழக்க செய்தால்,, மாதிரி நிராகரிக்க மட்டுமே குழாய் தண்ணீர் கப் துவைக்க மற்றும் மீண்டும் அதை பயன்படுத்தி முன் உலர்ந்த காற்று வரட்டும். கப் கழுவ சோப்பு அல்லது சோப்பு பயன்படுத்த வேண்டாம். உங்கள் கடந்த விந்துதள்ளல் பிறகு குறைந்தது 48 மணி நேரம் (ஆனால் இன்னும் ஏழு நாட்கள் விட) காத்திருக்க மற்றும் சோதனை ஒரு புதிய மாதிரி சேகரிக்க.
  • மாதிரி சேகரித்து பின்னர், கப் ஒரு தட்டையான பரப்பில் நிமிர்ந்து நிற்க வேண்டும்.
  • விந்து சேகரிக்கும் பிறகு 3 மணி நேரத்திற்குள் பரிசோதிக்கப்பட வேண்டும்.
  • நீங்கள் சோதிக்க தயாராக இருக்கும் போது, அடுத்த பகுதியில், "எப்படி சோதனை செய்ய" உள்ள வழிமுறைகளைப் பின்பற்றவும்.

எப்படி சோதனை செய்ய

எளிதாக சென்றடையும் ஒரு தட்டையான பரப்பில் சோதனை கிட் கூறுகளின் அனைத்து வைக்கவும். ஒரு வாட்ச் அல்லது சோதனை துவங்குவதற்கு முன், டைமர் தயாராக வேண்டும்.
  1. . விந்து பரிசோதனை முன் விந்து சேகரிக்கும் கோப்பை குறைந்தது இருபது (20) நிமிடங்கள் நிற்க நாம்
    விந்தணு விந்து பிறகு உடனடியாக சோதனை செய்ய மிகவும் தடிமனான, அதனால் விந்து மெல்லிய ஆக நீங்கள் குறைந்தது 20 நிமிடங்கள் காத்திருக்க வேண்டும் (liquified).
  2. அதன் சீல் பை இருந்து விந்தணு மாற்றம் சாதன நீக்க மற்றும் அது நன்றாக கலந்து வரை அது மெதுவாக கோப்பையில் 10 மடங்கு விந்து மாதிரி மறியல் பயன்படுத்த.
  3. பெட்டியின் பக்கத்தில் அமைந்துள்ள சுற்று துளை பகுதி வழியாக உங்கள் விரலை. இந்த SpermCheck தீர்வு பாட்டில் நடத்த ஒரு நிலைப்பாட்டை உருவாக்க வேண்டும். Unscrew மற்றும் SpermCheck தீர்வு பாட்டில் தொப்பி நீக்க மற்றும் புதிதாக உருவாக்கப்பட்ட நிலைப்பாட்டை செம்மையான பாட்டில் வைக்க.
  4. விந்து உள்ள எந்த திட அல்லது ஒட்டும் பொருள் தவிர்த்து விந்து மாதிரி ஒரு விந்தணு மாற்றம் சாதன சேர்க்க.மெதுவாக குழாய் மீது கருப்பு வரி அடையும் வரை விந்தணு மாற்றம் சாதனம் உங்கள் மாதிரி வரைய உலக்கை இழுக்க. விந்தணு மாற்றம் சாதன காற்று குமிழிகள் தவிர்க்கவும். இந்த நடந்தால், விந்து மீண்டும் விந்தணு மாற்றம் சாதன ஒரு விந்து முற்றிலும் பின்வாங்க பின்னர் வரைய தள்ள. விந்து தான் விந்தணு மாற்றம் சாதன கருப்பு வரி குழாய் நிரப்பும் உறுதி. சேர் அல்லது அது சரியாக கீழே வரை உலக்கை நகர்த்துவதன் மூலம் விந்தணு மாற்றம் சாதன வரி சந்திக்கும் வரை விந்து நீக்க.
  5. SpermCheck தீர்வு பாட்டில் ஒரு விந்து கொண்டு விந்தணு மாற்றம் சாதனத்தை பொருத்தி மற்றும் SpermCheck தீர்வுக்கான விந்து அனைத்து சேர்க்க மெதுவாக உலக்கை தள்ள.
  6. SpermCheck தீர்வு பாட்டில் மீது மீண்டும் தலைத்திருகாணி மற்றும் மெதுவாக முற்றிலும் உள்ளடக்கங்களை கலக்க.இந்த சிறந்த தலைகீழாக குறைந்தது ஐந்து பத்து மடங்கு SpermCheck தீர்வு பாட்டில் திருப்புவதன் மூலம் செய்யப்படுகிறது. உங்கள் விந்து மிக தடித்த அல்லது முத்துச் சரம் இருந்தால், நீங்கள் ஒரு கூடுதல் பத்து மடங்கு கலக்க வேண்டும். இந்த முறை அடுத்த படி கடினமாக்கலாம் இது foaming ஏற்படுத்தலாம் என மிகவும் கடினமாக SpermCheck தீர்வு பாட்டில் குலுக்கல்.
  7. விந்து கலவையை கொண்ட SpermCheck தீர்வு பாட்டில் அடுத்த படி (படி 8) செல்லும் முன் இரண்டு (2) நிமிடங்கள் நிற்க வேண்டும்.
  8. சோதனை சாதனம் கொண்ட படலம் பை திறக்க. SpermCheck சாதன நீக்க மற்றும் அது ஒரு தட்டையான பரப்பில் வரை எதிர்கொள்ள இடுகின்றன. SpermCheck தீர்வு பாட்டில் தொப்பி நுனி சிறிய தொப்பி ஆஃப் திருப்ப.
  9. நேராக கீழே சாதன மீது விந்து கலந்து கொண்டு SpermCheck தீர்வு பாட்டில் பிடித்து சேர்க்க மெதுவாக கசக்கி சரியாக ஆறு (6) நன்கு (எஸ்) சோதனை சாதனம் மாதிரி விந்து கலவையை குறைகிறது. மாதிரி சாதனம் கீழே அருகே ஒரு "S" குறிக்கப்பட்ட முதல் சுற்றிலேயே உள்ளது. (எஸ்) நன்கு SpermCheck சாதன மாதிரி இன்னும் அல்லது குறைவாக 6 சொட்டு சேர்க்க வேண்டாம்.
  10. நன்கு மாதிரி SpermCheck தீர்வு சேர்த்து பிறகு நேரம் தொடங்கும்.
  11. ஏழு (7) நிமிடங்கள் விளைவாக படிக்க. முந்தைய சோதனையில் படிக்க அல்லது இந்த ஒரு தவறான விளைவாக உற்பத்தி என்பதால் இனி விட 7 நிமிடங்கள் காத்திருக்க வேண்டாம்.

தேர்வு முடிவுகள் Read எப்படி

முக்கிய குறிப்பு: உங்கள் சோதனை வாசிக்க வெறுமனே ஒரு வரி கட்டுப்பாடு (சி) மற்றும் டெஸ்ட் (டி) சாதனத்தில் நிலைகளில் தற்போதைய அல்லது இல்லை என்பதை தீர்மானிக்க. ஒருவருக்கொருவர் வரிகளை ஒப்பிட்டுப் பார்க்காதீர்கள்.அது எப்படி வலுவான அல்லது பலவீனமான ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட வரி ஒரு விஷயமே இல்லை. டெஸ்ட் வரி அல்லது கண்ட்ரோல் வரி போன்ற இருண்ட இருக்கலாம். நீங்கள் அனைத்து டெஸ்ட் (டி) நிலை மற்றும் கட்டுப்பாடு (சி) நிலையில் எந்த வரி பார்த்தால், உங்கள் சோதனை விளைவாக எந்த விஷயத்தை வரி சோர்ந்துபோகாமல் எப்படி, நேர்மறை அல்லது டெஸ்ட் வரி கட்டுப்பாடு கோடு ஒப்பிட்டு எப்படி.
சோதனை படிக்க ஒரு நல்ல லைட் பகுதியில். முதல், (கடிதம் சி குறிக்கப்பட்ட) முடிவு சாளரத்தில் கட்டுப்பாடு கோடு நிலையை பாருங்கள். சோதனை ஒழுங்காக வேலை என்றால் நீங்கள் சி இடத்தில் ஒரு வரி பார்க்க வேண்டாம் என்றால், நீங்கள் சி அடுத்த ஒரு சிவப்பு வரி பார்க்க வேண்டும், உங்கள் சோதனை சரியாக இயங்காத மற்றும் முடிவுகளை சரியாக இல்லை.
அடுத்து, (கடிதம் டி குறிக்கப்பட்ட) விளைவாக சாளரத்தில் சோதனை நிலைப்பாடு பாருங்கள். நீங்கள் இங்கே ஒரு சிவப்பு வரி பார்த்தால், உங்கள் விந்து எண்ணிக்கை மில்லிலிட்டர் (நேர்மறை) ஒன்றுக்கு குறைந்தது 20 மில்லியன் விந்து உள்ளது.நீங்கள் டி இடத்தில் ஒரு வரி பார்க்க வேண்டாம் என்றால், உங்கள் விந்து எண்ணிக்கை (எதிர்மறையான) மில்லிலிட்டர் ஒன்றுக்கு 20 மில்லியன் விந்து கீழே உள்ளது, நீங்கள் ஒரு முழுமையான வளத்தை மதிப்பீடு பற்றி ஒரு மருத்துவரிடம் ஆலோசனை பெறவேண்டும். வளமான ஆண்கள் பொதுவாக மில்லிலிட்டர் அல்லது அதற்கு மேற்பட்ட ஒன்றுக்கு 20 மில்லியன் விந்து வேண்டும்.

Sperm Count :

Sperm Count :

Semen is a white or grey liquid, but can occasionally appear yellowish. Pink or red semen suggests that blood is present. Although this is only rarely due to a serious health problem.

Usually, each milliliter of semen contains millions of spermatozoa (sperm), but the majority of the volume consists of secretions of the glands in the male reproductive organs.

The purpose of semen is purely for reproduction, as a vehicle to carry the spermatozoa into the female reproductive tract.

The WHO provides a definition of a 'normal' sperm count:
  • the concentration of spermatozoa should be at least 20 million per ml.
  • the total volume of semen should be at least 2ml.
  • the total number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate should be at least 40 million.
  • at least 75 per cent of the spermatozoa should be alive (it is normal for up to 25 per cent to be dead).
  • at least 30 per cent of the spermatozoa should be of normal shape and form.
  • at least 25 per cent of the spermatozoa should be swimming with rapid forward movement.
  • at least 50 per cent of the spermatozoa should be swimming forward, even if only sluggishly.
Causes for low sperm count:
Infected semen
Tight underpants, bathing in very hot water, sitting for long hours, over weight in which fat layers sag on testicles reduce sperm count
Very frequent semen ejaculation also lead to lowered sperm count and man may become effectively infertile. Hence maintaining a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations keeps a man more fertile.
Smoking, Excessive alcohol intake.
Over exertion physically and mentally
Zinc deficiency
Infections present in prostate gland.
Malformed genital organs.
Anabolic steroid use
10 Ways you can Increase Your Sperm Count
1. Have sex & masturbate less often - the more times you ejaculate, the less dense your semen will be. Maintain a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations.
2. Refrain from habits like smoking, alcohol consumption etc. - Alcohol affects your liver function, which, in turn, causes a dramatic rise in estrogen levels. Even two drinks a day will have long-term effects on sperm production
3. Exercise regularly. Exercising your PC muscle can help you shoot further than ever before.
4. Eat Nutritious Food - Diet that's low in fat, and high in protein, vegetables, and whole grains is good for your health and for your sperm. Avoid bitter, astringent and spicy foods. Reduce caffeine intake
5. Avoid heating of testicles - Wear loose, cotton boxer shorts, Avoid hot baths and saunas
6. Lose any excess weight, which tends to cause testosterone/oestrogen imbalances.
7. Reduce stress levels by learning relaxation techniques - Keep your mind and body healthy by regular practice of YOGA and MEDITATION.
8. Massage body with herbal oil, which improves blood circulation.
9. Try supplements - Certain natural supplements promise to increase sperm production. Checkout some Natural and Herbal, no side effects supplements at
10. Make love in the early morning or afternoon. Sperm levels are often highest in the mornings.

செவ்வாய், 29 செப்டம்பர், 2015

50 Ways to Boost Your Sperm Count

50 Ways to Boost Your Sperm Count

Want the best sperm in the world? Then try all 50.
Sperm. The one thing that mankind can’t live without. Literally.
And this oh so precious resource is dwindling every year.
The fact is, sperm counts are down over 50% since the 1940’s. And they continue to drop by 1-2% each year. [Learn more]
Reasons for the drop in sperm count?
The most studied causes for this trend are the increase in plastic use, certain therapeutic drugs, our poor food sources & dietary choices,and the overuse of insecticides, pesticides and industrial chemicals. [Source]
Regardless, were not here to talk about why this is happening (If you want to know more click here) But instead we’re here to learn how we can reverse this process and increase our sperm counts.
So for that, here are 50 things that will help:
1-25 are things you can do/avoid in order to increase your sperm count.
26-40 are foods that increase your sperm count.
41-50 are supplements that will increase your sperm count.
1) Avoid Excessive Plastic Use
I say excessive because if you looked around for 5 seconds you would see that you are surrounded by plastics. There’s no avoiding them. But as you will see throughout this article, plastic chemicals like BPA and Phthalates are found in everything from our water sources to household products, and are proven to decrease sperm counts. These chemicals came around in the 1940’s, right when sperm counts began there decline. Coincidence?
Learn More:
Are Household Plastics Making You Less of a Man

2) Don’t Eat Canned Foods
According to this study, one of the plastics we referred to above, BPA, is still to this day used in many canned foods. These cans have been coated with the resin since the 1960’s. BTW, BPA is known as “synthetic estrogen” and we’ll be talking about it a lot in this list.
Learn More:
Tips For Avoiding BPA in Canned Foods
Just How Dangerous is BPA in Canned Food, And 10 Ways You Can Reduce Your Risk
BPA Free Canned Food Brands

3) Skip Out on The Receipts
Next time the clerk hands you a receipt, say “no thanks!” Once again, our little friend BPA is coated on receipts (It gives them that powdery feel). A study, where researches got 10 people to handle unused receipts and then eat a basket of french fries, showed that, following the test, the participants had BPA levels that were 10X higher than when they started. Yikes!
Learn More:
Receipts May Expose us to High Levels of BPA
How to Avoid BPA Exposure from Cash Register Receipts

4) Sadly, Stop Using Most Sex Toys
Sex toys are often made with the plastic softening chemicals called phthalates. These phthalates are proven to lower sperm count. How can you stay safe while still having fun? Stick to glass, silicone and green sex toys. It’s not all bad.
Learn More:
Dangerous Sex Toys: What You Need to Know

5) Use Natural Lube
Most lubricants are not sperm friendly. They either kill the sperm or they can act like a barrier and are too thick for the sperm to swim through. This is bad for couples trying to conceive and can make your sperm much less effective. Luckily there are sperm friendly lubricants created for just that and we link to them below.
Learn More:
Sperm Friendly Lubricant

6) Watch Out For Non-Stick Pans & Raincoats
Weird combination, but these two things contain chemicals called perfluoralkyl acids which give them their non-stick quality. It was found that men with high levels of these chemicals in their blood (like plant workers) had half the sperm counts of normal men.
Learn More:
Sperm Counts Sunk By Non-Stick Chemicals
Nonstick Cookware and Teflon Dangers

7) Shower Naturally
Phthalates are found in most shampoos, soaps, conditioners, deodorants and shaving products. They make you feel silky smooth, but they are destroying your sperm count. You can increase your sperm count simply by switching to organic products that are phthalate free. It will be worth the extra $25 a month when you can father children.
Learn More:
Brickell Men’s Products (I use these, they’re awesome)
Phthalate Free Cosmetic List

8) Avoid Other Harmful Chemicals
We’ve talked a lot about chemicals already, and for the sake of everyone, we’ll end it here. Otherwise it would be 85,000 ways to increase your sperm count. So basically, just watch out for chemicals in general. Pesticides and other harmful chemicals all play a role in sperm count reduction. These chemicals wreak havoc on our endocrine systems, and put our swimmers at risk. You can find these on most fruits and veggies that are not certified organic. For best results, just buy organic. Also, all those crazy cleaning products you use. No bueno. Stick to organic products as much as possible. Just this alone will increase your sperm count.
Learn More:
Everyday Chemicals Reduce Sperm Count

9) Stop Smoking Dope
Studies show that marijuana smokers have significantly less seminal fluid and a decreased sperm count. This is surprising to me as this herb comes out of mother earth. But facts are facts.
Learn More:
Marijuana Smoking Damages Sperm

10) Stop Smoking Period
Okay, the marijuana one was a surprise to me as well. But it comes at no surprise that if you want to increase your sperm count you have to ditch the cigarettes. This should be the first thing you do!
Learn More:
Smokings Effect on Sperm Count

11) Check Your Medications
Many common medications can lower your sperm count. When trying to boost sperm counts, make sure you Google search “any medications you are taking + sperm count.” This will quickly tell you if these medications are some of the many that interfere with sperm counts.
Learn More:
16 Common Medications That Can Lower Your Sperm Count

12) Chill Out Man
Stress is a big cause of low testosterone levels. This in turn hurts your sperm count. If you want to boost your sperm counts, chill out. Get a handle on your stress patterns and possibly look into meditation. It really works.
Learn More:
9 Ways to De-Stress
A Beginners Guide to Meditation

13) Get That Laptop Off Your Lap!
A hot laptop on your lap is a recipe for sperm loss. Excessive heat + Testicles = Bad for business. Use a pillow or buy a lap desk and ensure your boys are nice and cool, like you.
Learn More:
Laptop Use on Lap May Reduce Sperm Quality
$9.00 Lapdesk

14) Watch That Wifi
Another reason to get that laptop off your lap is because a recent studyshowed that blasting sperm collected from 29 healthy men with wifi exposure caused one-quarter of the sperm to stop swimming, while only 14% of sperm not exposed stopped swimming. This is alarming as I am typing this article on a laptop right now. <article suddenly ends>
Learn More:
WIFI Laptops Potentially Hazardous to Sperm

15) Stay Sober
While alcohol is not shown to drastically decrease sperm counts, it is a good strategy to limit the booze when you are trying to increase your sperm count or father children.
Learn More:
Direct Effect of Alcohol on Sperm

16) Bike Less
It was found in a study of spanish triathletes that they had a lower sperm count that athletes competing in sports that didn’t involve cycling. The study showed that there was an inverse relationship between the shape of the head, tail and  body of the spermatozoids and hours spent cycling each week.
Learn More:
Cycling at a Professional Level Effects The Quality of Sperm

17) Watch Less T.V
A recent study showed that men who watched 20 hours of T.V or more a week actually had half the sperm of men who didn’t watch T.V at all. This is a startling statistic. If you want to increase your sperm count, turn off the tube.
Learn More:
20 Hours of TV a Week May Half Men’s Sperm Counts

18) Move Your Cell Phone
The fact is, cell phones emit radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves. Having this go on in you pocket, which is RIGHT next to your balls, is a horrible combination. Tim Ferris actually states in his book The Four Hour Body, that he increased his sperm count simply by keeping his phone in an armband rather than his pocket. He has all sorts of great stuff like this in his book. I link to both below.
Learn More:
Are Cell Phones Bad For Male Fertility?
InCase Cell Phone Arm Band (Need to Adjust For Your Specific Phone)
The Four Hour Body by Tim Ferris

19) Watch Out For Hot Baths & Hot Tubs
Hot tubs are awesome. But they are not good for your sperm what so ever. Just 30 minutes in water than is 102 F or higher will significantly lower your immediate sperm count. Studies done in the 1950’s show that men who took a half hour hot bath every other day for 3 weeks were infertile for the next six month! I’m not gonna lie, that sucks. I love hot tubs. On top of that, a recent study done at UCSF showed that when men cut out there exposure to hot baths, their sperm counts went up 491%.
Learn More:
UCSF Study
Wet Heat Exposure: A Reversible Form of Male Infertility

20) Exercise!
Exercise seems to be good for everything, and this is no different when it comes to increasing your sperm count. A study shows that men exercising more than 7 hours a week had roughly 48% higher concentrations in sperm than men who exercised less than 1 hour per week.
Learn More:
Exercise Increases Sperm Count

21) Lose Weight
The good news is, if you’re exercising, you probably have this one covered. Studies show that being obese (having a BMI over 30) greatly decreases a mans chance of being fertile while also lowering his sperm count.
Learn More:
Male Infertility More Common in Overweight Men

22) Have More Sex
Good news! Using your sperm doesn’t make it any less potent. And it’s actually the opposite. “Saving your sperm” for when a woman is more fertile is actually a bad strategy. According to research, guys with low sperm counts who abstain for more than a day slow down production even more and cause the sperm that is in the bank to go “stale.” Enjoy your sex.
Learn More:
Have Sex Daily to Boost Sperm Count

23) Don’t Worry About Masturbation
Even though regular sex will increase the effectiveness and count of your sperm, there has been mixed reviews about whether masturbation has the same effect. Some studies show it does, some studies show it doesn’t. So basically, don’t worry about masturbation per say, just be careful of the dangers of porn addiction.
Learn More:
Male Masturbation Effects on Fertility and Sperm Count

24) Lose The Super Tight Undies
In order for the testes to produce quality sperm, the temperature of the testes must be much lower than your body temperature. This is why you balls are located outside of your body. Even a couple degrees in temperature rise is enough to have a negative effect, so if they are tight enough to be holding your balls too close to your body (this means super tight), they will hurt your sperm count, even if only slightly. I wouldn’t worry about briefs per say, but some “nut huggers” do just that.
Learn More:
Boxers vs. Briefs: Increasing Sperm Count

25) Take Cold Showers
Cold showers are great for you. They increase your insulin resistance, have been shown to ease depression, boost testosterone levels, help you sleep better at night, and yes, increase sperm counts. I know it sounds terrible, but try it. It really does wake you up in the morning like nothing else. Ironically it also its you to sleep at night like nothing else. Just do it.
Learn More:
15 Benefits of Cold Showers That Will Blow Your Mind

26) Eat a Healthy Diet
Diet is usually the fix to most modern ailments, including low sperm counts. The fact is, modern diets suck. Just fixing this alone can dramatically increase your sperm count. Reducing sugars, eliminating wheat & grains and upping your fruit, vegetable & healthy fat intake is a start. This will dramatically increase your sperm count. But for the next 15 bullet points we’ll let you know exact things you can put in your diet to give your body an extra boost in sperm production and fertility.
Learn More:
The Stronger Sperm Diet

27) Limit Caffeine
A cup of coffee a day is not likely to reduce fertility or sperm count. But drinking caffeine in excessive amount (more than 3 cups a day) is suspected to have a negative effect on your sperm by increasing the chance of mutation.
Learn More:
Caffeine’s Effect on Sperm Count

28) Cut Back on Coke and Other Soda’s
In a Danish study among 2,554 young Danish men recruited when they were examined to determine their fitness for military service, it was recorded that the men who drank high amounts of Cola had sperm counts of around 40 mL/M while the men who didn’t drink Cola had an average of 56 mL/M. They couldn’t say whether it was the caffeine or not, but coke and other soda are certainly not going to increase sperm counts in men, so lay off.
Learn More:
Drinking to Much Cola Could Lower Men’s Sperm Counts

29) Eat Red Food
A recent study published in Ohio’s Cleveland Clinic showed that consumption of Lycopene (commonly found in red fruits such as tomatoes, strawberries, cherries and peppers) increased the mobility, morphology and volume of sperm, as well as increasing sperm counts up to 70%. These findings are nothing short of amazing.
Learn More:
How Eating Tomatoes Could Increase Male Fertility: Key Compound in The Fruit Could Boost Sperm Count by 70%

30) Eat Garlic
Considered a natural aphrodisiac and sexual superfood, garlic contains Selenium, and antioxidant necessary for sperm motility and Allicin, and compound that increases blood flow to the male sex organs. Add it to your daily mix to see a boost in sex drive and an increase in sperm count. Just make sure you buy some chewing gum before you hit the bars. All this being said, it is found that TOO MUCH garlic can actually have a negative effect on sperm counts, so use in moderation.
How Much?
For a rise in sperm count, start adding 1-2 garlic cloves to a meal daily. This will also provide you with a nice boost in libido.
Learn More:
The Incredible Power of Garlic

31) Eat Goji Berries
A Chinese study of 42 men who were all diagnosed with infertility due to low sperm count and motility were given a 1/2 oz of Goji Berries a day. After 1 month on the treatment 50% of the men had sperm counts in the normal and above normal range. And after only 2 months of the treatment, 33 of the men had sperm counts from normal to above normal levels and each of those 33 men went on to father children. This is amazing! Goji berries alone can do wonders for your sperm count.
How Much?
As Food: Up to once ounce of berries may be eaten daily.
Learn More:
Goji Antioxidants Shown Helpful for Male Infertility

32) Eat Oysters
Oysters are known as being one of the most potent sexual enhancers you can naturally ingest. But what many don’t know is that, as well as increasing your sex drive, they also increase your sperm count. Why is this? It is because of the extremely high amount of Zinc that oysters contain. Oysters are loaded with this building block of sperm and it will show in a rise in your swimmers.
How Much?
Since Zinc is stored in our bodies there is no need to eat daily. Try eating 8-12 oysters once a week to start. Your sex that night will astound you. (See link below)
Learn More: 
Oyster Have Even More Sex Benefits Than We Thought

33) Eat Dark Chocolate
Chocolate lovers rejoice! Dark chocolate, being loaded with antioxidants and arginine, is a potent sperm enhancer. Men who commonly eat dark chocolate also report more intense orgasms, so that’s always fun. While dark chocolate does contain L-Arginine, it is not in huge amount, so learn more about how to supplement with that later.
How Much?
If you like some sweets at night, start eating a few squares of dark chocolate after dinner. No need to get crazy scientific about this one.
Learn More:
Does Eating Dark Chocolate Increase Sperm Volume Naturally?

34) Eat Bananas
Bananas don’t only look like a penis, but they make your penis better. Bananas obtain a rare enzyme called Bromeliad, which is good for the bro’s because it helps regulate sex hormones. They are also loaded with Magnesium, Vitamin B1 & Vitamin C, which are building blocks of sperm.
How Much?
Eating 1-3 bananas a week is enough for them to help increase your sperm counts. Try it before or after a workout or sex.
Learn More:
Bananas, The Sperm Builders

35) Eat Asparagus
Asparagus contain super high levels of Vitamin C, which prevents your sperm from oxidizing, protects the cells of your testes and reduces free radical damage. They also contain Folic Acid which we will talk about later. Well worth the price of some slightly smelly urine.
How Much:
Include asparagus in your dinners a few times a week. This healthy vegetable will not only improve your health, but add some class to your meals.
Learn More:
Sperm Count and Asparagus

36) Eat More Nuts, Specifically Walnuts
Nuts have been know for a long time to be great for health as well as the male reproductive system. In 2012, a study published at the University of California showed that men who consumed 75g of walnuts every day showed a huge improvement in sperm vitality, motility and morphology (3 indicators of quality sperm). The results we concluded to be from the high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in nuts. Nuts like walnuts and almonds also contain a good amount of L-Arginine, which once again has been shown to increase sperm count in men while peanuts contain a good amount of Zinc. Overall, nuts are great for your nuts. Bonus: Brazilian nuts are an amazing source of Selenium that Tim Ferris uses to boost his testosterone and sperm count as well.
How Much?
75 g of walnuts seemed to do the trick in the study. So if you are trying to raise your sperm counts, try this amount. If you just want to get the health benefits, just start snaking on nuts regularly. For Brazilian nuts, you only need 2-3 a day to get a high dose of selenium. Don’t eat more than that.
Learn More:
Walnuts Increase Male Sperm Counts and Fertility
3 Reasons Why Every Man Needs to Eat Brazilian Nuts Right Now

37) Try Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are very high in zinc, which as we spoke about above, is a major building block of sperm and testosterone. As well has containing lots of zinc, pumpkin seeds contain B vitamins, vitamin E, C, D & K which are all libido increasing vitamins. They also contain calcium, potassium, niacin and phosphorous.
How Much?
Pumpkin seeds should always be eaten raw to preserve the healthy fats present. Choose organic pumpkin seeds, to avoid the harmful chemicals and pesticides which are shown to lower your sperm count & snack on them like you would sunflower seeds. Enjoy.
Learn More:
Pumpkin Seeds Proven to Boost Sex Drive
9 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

38) Limit Your Soy Intake
Soy and men don’t mix. This study shows that soy dramatically reduced sperm count in men. In the study it was found that men who ate a lot of soy food actually had, on average, 41 million/mL less sperm than guys who didn’t consume soy products. This finding is huge! And can save a lot of men from infertility problems. Stay away from soy, at all costs.
How Much?
Learn More:
Soy Food Associated With Lower Sperm Counts

39) Eat Your Veggies
Mom was right. Not only do cruciferous vegetables lower estrogen levels, allowing for higher testosterone levels, but they will also help you boost your sperm counts.
How Much?
You should be eating veggies with EVERY meal, and be half your plate. Seriously. They will help prevent disease, increase energy, boost test & help your sperm.
Learn More:
Vegetarians Have Much Lower Sperm Counts

40) Stay Hydrated
This is a simple solution but must be noted as the last diet point. Make sure you are staying hydrated. Your sperm is made of water and dehydration is linked to lower sperm volume. If you’re doing everything else in this article, but not drinking enough water, you are doing yourself an injustice.
How Much?
Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. If you work out, then drink more.
Learn More:
Why Drinking Water Upon Waking is Great For Your Health
How Much Water to Drink on a Daily Basis

41) Take Folic Acid
A study on Folic Acid and Zincs effect on fertile and sub fertile men resulted in a 74% increase in sperm counts in the sub fertile men who supplemented both for two weeks. A simple solution for any man lacking sperm.
How Much?
Eat the foods spoken about above which are rich in Folic Acid or supplement with 4mg daily. Buy Here.
Learn More:
Increase Sperm Counts With Zinc and Folic Acid

42) Take Zinc
As mentioned above, Zinc was part of that study where sub fertile men boosted their sperm counts by 74%. Zinc is one of the major players in increasing sperm count and deficiency is becoming more and more widespread every year.
How Much?
Eat the above foods noted with Zinc often, or supplement 15mg – 30mg of Zinc daily. 30mg if you are a vegetarian. Buy Here.
Learn More:
Increase Sperm Counts With Zinc and Folic Acid

43) Take L-Carnitine
According to Italian Researchers, Carnitine helps sluggish sperm. In a study they did, men took 2 grams of L-Carnitine daily for three months and then took none for 3 more months. The men who took the L-Carnitine over the placebo experienced an improvement in sperm motility, a crucial factor in fertility.
How Much:
Take 2 grams daily of L-Carnitine. Buy Here.
Learn More:
Sperm Swim Better With L-Carnitine
44) Take Selenium
As mentioned in the “eat more nuts” section, you can get a full dose of selenium just by consuming Brazilian Nuts. But if for some reason you hate eating nuts, it would be very wise to supplement with Selenium. This will boost your testosterone, increase your sperm count and possibly prevent Cancer.
How Much?
Only 200 micrograms a day is needed. Or 2-3 Brazilian Nuts. Buy Here.
Learn More:
The Effect of Oral Selenium Supplementation on Human Sperm (Study)

45) Take Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another critical antioxidant in the production of sperm. In this study, along with Selenium it was proven to improve the quality of your sperm.
How Much?
In the above study, the men took 400 mg of vitamin E daily. Buy Here.
Learn More:
What Are the Benefits of Vitamin E Regarding Sexual Activity for Men?

46) Take L-Arginine
L-Arginine is the amino acid found in nuts which is one of the reasons they are regarded as huge sperm boosters. L-Arginine will increase your sperm count and motility, and has been proven to do so in numerous studies (See link in learn more section). Along with this, it will increase blood flow to your penis resulting in better erection quality. Overall L-Arginine is a fantastic addition to any mans supplement regimen.
How Much?
Start with 1000mg daily. You can increase this amount safely up to 5,000 mg but some find this to be too much. Buy Here.
Learn More:
L-Arginine Boosts Sperm Count And Quality

47) Take Tongkat Ali Extract
Tongkat ali extract is man most potent sexual enhancer. This herb is proven to increase libido, boost testosterone, increase sperm count, increase sperm volume, increase ejaculation power, decrease your refractory period & much more. A study of 75 men who cycled tongkat ali extract for 9 months showed a dramatic improvement in all semen parameters. Learn more about this herb below.
How Much?
Base it on your manufacturer’s recommendation. Strengths vary. But don’t buy it anywhere, tongkat ali extract is easily faked. We buy from Herbolab.com and it is a very reputable and potent manufacturer.
Learn More:
Everything You Need to Know About Tongkat Ali Extract

48) Take Maca
Maca is another potent male enhancing herb that you may not be taking advantage of. In 2001, the Asian Journal of Andrology released a study showing that Maca increased the seminal volume, sperm motility and sperm count in men. A year later, they released a 12 week study on males between the age of 20 and 55 which showed that after 12 weeks all men not in the placebo group noted an improvement in libido.
How Much?
Base it on your manufacturers recommendation. Strengths vary. We also buy Maca from Herbolab.com and it is a reputable and potent source.
Learn More:
User Review of Maca Use

49) Take Ginseng
Ginseng is an extremely popular sperm enhancer. It is also shown to improve blood flow to the penis and help improve erection quality, energy levels and much more.
How Much?
When opting for Ginseng, choose Asian Ginseng (also known as Korean Ginseng or Panax Ginseng). Asian ginseng should also be taken in cycles. For example, take every day for 2 – 3 weeks, then stop for 3 weeks, then start back. Take 200mg to 400mg daily. Buy Here.
Learn More:
Ginseng And The Male Reproduction System (Study)
Sexual Benefits of Panax Ginseng for Men
Everything You Need to Know About Ginseng

50) Don’t Take Steroids
And to top off the list, if you think that taking steroids will make you more of a man, you are wrong. While it will increase the size of your muscles, taking steroids is proven to reduce the amount and quality of your sperm.
How Much?
Learn More:
Public Enemy #1 for Male Fertility: Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic Steroids And Semen Parameters in Bodybuilders (Study)

In Conclusion
Remember, it takes 10-11 weeks for sperm to be produced. So you cannot just try some of the things listed above and expect to have super sperm by tomorrow morning. These things take time. But even knocking 40% of these things off your list will be enough to give you a dramatic increase in your sperm count. Want the best sperm in the world? Then try all 50.